Thursday, December 30, 2010

a summation of 2010

It is refreshing to surround oneself with non-theatre folk.

The last five years I've been constantly interacting with people who have had theatrical training, who strive to be actors and who are meticulous in uncovering the mysteries that make up character. This unending poking and prodding at the notion, and mystery, of character has unknowingly made my focus so singular and my faith so poor that I've believed the world to be nothing more than a fiction ~ it's characters all-knowing and conscious of the decisions that make them the personalities they are.

This year, however, I've fallen into a whole new world ~ one removed of the studious tinkering of scholars. I've moved into a world where this fiction I speak of, the world as story, is largely unknown. Yes like in any reality musings and rumours of its existence are to be found but they are rarely thought of. I've found in this new world, this world of reality, that people do and don't know why ~ or, rather, don't care why.

We tell our bodies to act, and when it doesn't perform the way we want we don't explore why: we find another route.

I find this exciting.

It has opened up a whole realm of character possibilities / realities.

As a theatre practitioner training teaches us we can control our -isms, our ticks ~ that nothing is out of our power to transform, to drop, or to write off as an unnecessary / abnormal bodily function. In this new world, however, some of my favourite things to hear are:

"He acts like x if y doesn't happen. It's just the way he is."
"I don't like z. I don't know why, I just hate it."

The reason hearing these rub me the way they do is because the speaker is not questioning what they are saying. The speaker has come to terms with the fact. That is how they are (or the person they talk about is). Simple as that. No ifs, ands or buts. And while I still question, poke and prod the new people I meet I tend to accept their quirks, ticks and -isms more openly than when I was constantly surrounded by people researchers. Sure, I can then move on and examine the causes, the traumatic experiences of their pasts and uncover exactly why they are the way they are but this year I've learnt to just... accept them the way they are.

After all, people are strange. Sometimes inexplicably so.

This is what 2010 taught me. And the best part? It has taught me to forgive the little quirks about myself. Yes. I am like x if y doesn't happen. Deal with it. I am.

Little Play #3 (March 9th, 2006):

Here's a third performance I found hidden in my old university blog.
This one's more of a meditation ~ a soliloquy without context.
It raises, I find, questions as to where it could come from. 
Maybe a spring-board to something else entirely.

Every time you think you've got It
It turns around and gives you a black eye
Then you're left wondering:
Why can't It stop, why can't It just stay predictable, just for a minute?
And if you're lucky It will,
It will, because if It puts you through so much,
You will finally be able to take the reins for once,
And put
It through hell. 

But... in order to do this... we must understand. 
I do not.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Little Play #2 (November 21st, 2005)

A struggle for everyone to join.

Pressure point 126.4... a lack of time... otherwise known as: a due date.

I work so much better when a wall is coming at me in the distance.
As it draws nearer I tend to get my best ideas.
Little by little I am able to chip away at this wall.
Eventually I find a way to dissolve the mortar and make its foundations shatter.
As it approaches me, I see it is no more than a pile of rubble.
Sometimes, however, I cannot find the solution.
Alternatives are key.
The construction of a door is useful; 
when the wall draws near I am able to step through unscathed.
But the wall is still there.
That means I must work extra hard to topple it 
because another one has appeared in the distance.
Trapped by two walls.
If I do not bring them down, I will eventually be trapped.

Sometimes the pressure is there.
Sometimes it's all in my head.

Always there is a solution.

Monday, December 27, 2010

stumbled upon an old blog of mine...

...and, mostly, it's a collection of inane sputterings that act as a rather complex slice of life as I traversed the second and third year terrain at York trying to figure out who I am (something, I realise, is never-ending). But the thing that caught my attention is buried between posts I have unconsciously created a few "little plays," or online performances. I`m going to try and find them all and repost them to see how they stand independently.

From November 15th, 2005:

Little Play #1:
Turning a man into a woman has never been so easy!


I hear groups of friends in other rooms, laughing and having a good time.
The smell of popcorn fills my nose.
And I wonder 'how the hell do they have time for this?'
And then I think, what if I just said 'fuck it'... what would happen?
It feels good to say it in my head...
but then I think about how it would translate in reality...

My hands are all wrinkled and rough.
I've found a release in... doing the dishes?
Yeah, you heard me.

Left! Left!

I think I'm going to need glasses after this week...

redundancy is key... redundancy is key... redundancy is key... redundancy is...

...what if?

Friday, December 17, 2010

it's been a spell...

...I think it's about time I spruced this place up a bit.

In the coming days and weeks I'm going to be changing things here.

I started this blog a few years ago with the intent on having it as a sounding board - a place to bounce ideas and share with the world. Soon after I started, I got rather bored with it. I think it mostly has to do with the large changes, the transitional period I was entering and somewhat badly dealing with. But, now that time is over. School is done. My life is on track (a track any way...) and I feel I can effectively spend the time required to upkeep this thing. I've been longing for a place to write and share thought a bit longer than 140 characters and not as awkward as Facebook.

So why not clean a relic?