Friday, December 17, 2010

it's been a spell...

...I think it's about time I spruced this place up a bit.

In the coming days and weeks I'm going to be changing things here.

I started this blog a few years ago with the intent on having it as a sounding board - a place to bounce ideas and share with the world. Soon after I started, I got rather bored with it. I think it mostly has to do with the large changes, the transitional period I was entering and somewhat badly dealing with. But, now that time is over. School is done. My life is on track (a track any way...) and I feel I can effectively spend the time required to upkeep this thing. I've been longing for a place to write and share thought a bit longer than 140 characters and not as awkward as Facebook.

So why not clean a relic?

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