Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Little Play #2 (November 21st, 2005)

A struggle for everyone to join.

Pressure point 126.4... a lack of time... otherwise known as: a due date.

I work so much better when a wall is coming at me in the distance.
As it draws nearer I tend to get my best ideas.
Little by little I am able to chip away at this wall.
Eventually I find a way to dissolve the mortar and make its foundations shatter.
As it approaches me, I see it is no more than a pile of rubble.
Sometimes, however, I cannot find the solution.
Alternatives are key.
The construction of a door is useful; 
when the wall draws near I am able to step through unscathed.
But the wall is still there.
That means I must work extra hard to topple it 
because another one has appeared in the distance.
Trapped by two walls.
If I do not bring them down, I will eventually be trapped.

Sometimes the pressure is there.
Sometimes it's all in my head.

Always there is a solution.

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