Monday, April 25, 2011

inside out.

I wish for you to stand up for what you care about by participating in a global art project, and together we’ll turn the world inside out.
                                                                              - JR

The breadth of JR’s TED Wish is masterful: a global art project about the stories that tend to stay hidden amongst the crammed houses and skyscrapers of our cities, that tend to remain overlooked amidst the hustle of business and consumption of the internet. To be part of this feels wonderful; however solitary the project might be, being initiated from one’s home, from the very machine that has secluded more people than it has enchanted, the knowledge that there are, at this particular moment just above 3000 of us spread rather sparingly across the globe, allows a sort of admission of a new community: a community on the fringe; a community of expression; a community of those who want to tell a story (maybe even a story they never knew they wanted to tell) but have had no one to listen.

I find it remarkable that JR has been able to pull these stories out of so many people with nothing more than a simple request.

“You know you’ve been here for a few hours, trying to understand, discussing with your fellows. During in that time you haven’t think [sic] about what you are going to eat tomorrow. This is art.”

There are so many stories we should be aware of. Browsing the Inside Out website gives you a very real glimpse of this, but what’s more interesting is the awareness of how many stories you realise are not being told.

How many people who don’t have an outlet, or are unaware of those outlets available? How many people result to living in their own torment? In their own self-imposed exile?

What’s so important about this project is that it’s not about JR; his portrait’s not up there. It’s only you. And a trend I keep running into while browsing the portraits and reading their statements is that these are 3000+ people who believe in beauty.

And that’s a wonderful thing indeed.

Please check out JR’s INSIDE OUT Project. Browse the portraits. Read some stories. AND JOIN! It's not too late! It’s still only in its starting phases, meaning they’re printing the portraits and should be shipping them to us soon. I can’t wait to see them posted all over the place.

And here’s the link to mine if you can’t find it amongst the crowd.

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