Wednesday, March 23, 2011

on delusion and new gods.

Watching the four party leaders speak today in the wake of a half-assed attempt to stabilize democracy in Canada I realised something: the “ecomony” is bullshit; it is a tactic for fear-mongering: the new God. We don’t partake in rituals in order to favour an angry deity anymore but to appease an upset and unstable economy. The economy will do what it will because it is controlled by masses of humans who make decisions that eventually affect other humans because their voices were the loudest the same way the religious fanatics who claimed to be the receptacle of the voice of god were. It is great rhetoric because, just like the peasants of the medieval villages, there is no way to prove in the midst of number-crazed people in positions of power that it is not a force unto itself but is, essentially, controlled by “god”-fearing fundamentalists.

Now, as we enter a new era in Canada’s history, one of a government in contempt of Parliament and concerned deeply with playing the “game” of politics (meaning the gambling of the nation’s lives and beliefs), an era of yet another publicly funded election that will, most likely produce the same results with slightly different numbers, we will become witness to the passion play of economic appeasement in all its glory. This is delusion in its purest form.

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