Sunday, February 06, 2011

in which i explore two passions at once.

Meditation on the Medium:
(Little Play #4)

A picture can tell a different story from reality.
(Did it really happen like that?)
It takes you on a journey,
THE Journey,
A perfect quest,
A scene already written.
A frame can hold intensity,
Its borders denote limitations:
The left side, just as we are taught to read,
Signals a beginning,
A past:
We are already running to catch up.
The top and bottom are like arrows
Guiding our vision across the image.
That is the image itself;
We are thrown into a world in motion,
An action,
Life caught candidly,
A story so full of direction,
Of purpose,
It has no choice but to help us along.
A photograph understands its audience,
Just like a novel,
Or a play,
There is narration:
Your eyes are drawn Here
Now off, around;
A hand guides you by the eyes,
Never letting you leave the frame
But forcing you through it
Until you reach the end:
A wall
(What comes next?)
But a picture doesn’t end
(It can’t!) it’s caught,
Stuck in its movement,
A morsel of the whole.
It teases you.
Your eyes want more
(There must be more!)
That right wall of the frame becomes a gutter,
A Question,
That lingers on your lips,
And vibrates off the skin of your ears.
A Question that will drive you mad if you think too long;
A Question that can never be answered
Yet always comes up:
(What happens next?)


To accompany the above (as it was born from the memory of these pictures) this link will redirect you to a photoset on my Flickr! account [because I cannot create a photoset on blogger and, alas, cannot blog (effectively) on Flickr!]. (clicking the image below will also take you there)


As I've pretty well picked apart the rest of that old university blog o' mine for more Little Plays, it seems at one point I completely changed my blogging style and, really, it became unintelligible dribble very closely resembling a facebook wall. As there are no more unsuspecting Little Plays to be had from the old old strip mines, and because I rather enjoy the thought of the Little Plays, from this day forward I'll be adding to this title by making new ones. As before, they come in all shapes and forms. Meditation on the Medium seems a perfect fit. 

And now I've written this I'm rather excited to start writing more.

Stay tuned!

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